Harvest Rug by Kasthall

designed by Kasthall Design Studio

A woven rug made of residual yarn in pure wool, Harvest is the floor solution for anyone looking for something truly unique. Each spool is continuously alternating in different colours, giving each rug a distinctive character. Since the availability of the leftover yarn largely determines the design, no rug is the same as another. With this conscious step in pursuing a completely sustainable production process, we hope to set an example for the industry to follow.

Each rug is woven in 100% wool. Made in Sweden.

Available colours: Black & Grey, Beige & Brown, Green, Blue, Purple & Pink, Yellow & Red
Suggested sizes: 90x240cm, 140x200cm, 170x240cm, 200x300cm, 250x350cm, 300x400cm, 350x450cm

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